Socks for the Family

    Fontana 1293 materials - Socks for the FamilyFontana 1293 materials - Socks for the FamilyFontana 1293 materials - Socks for the Family

    Fontana 1293 measurements - Socks for the FamilyFontana 1293 measurements - Socks for the FamilyFontana 1293 measurements - Socks for the Family

    Alt alternative; beg beginning; cont continues(ing); C contrast; dec decrease; foll following; inc increase; ins inches; k knit; m main shade; p purl; psso pass slipped stitch over; rsf right side facing; rem remains(ing); rep repeat; sts stitches; stst stocking stitch; sl slip; tbl through back of loop; tog together

    This pattern came from my mum
