Emu 3705 – Sweater in six sizes

    EMU Snowball
    Emu 3705 materials
    Pair each needles UK No 3 (6 ½mm) and 00 (9mm)

    5 sts to 5cm (approximately 2 inches) measured over pattern. Check your tension and use finer needles if you have less stitches to the inch, or thicker needles if you have more stitches to the inch.

    Emu 3705 measurements

    K knit; p purl; sts stitches; patt pattern; rep repeat; beg beginning; inc increase(ing); dec decrease(ing); tog together; K 1B knit 1 stitch below worked thus: Insert right-hand needle into st below st on left-hand needle and knit it in the usual way, letting the st drop off left-hand needle.

    This yarn is discontinued but any “chunky” yarn can be substituted.  A careful tension check would need to be done to ensure accurate sizing.

    This Emu 3705 – Sweater in six sizes, was given to me by my friend Jean.


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